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SSLC Half yearly English Original question paper and answer key - 2019- Prepared by Mr.Rajesh Kanna, gummidipoondi .

We provides answer keys for half yearly examination question papers for sslc .We think it may helpful to you for evaluation the answer sheets. we convey our special thanks to him for this deciated work for us.

It is better to take pre-examination precautions in order to avoid post examination chaos. It is important at the first hand itself that paper setters and evaluators with qualities like unquestionable integrity, with vast educational experience of those subjects at the required level of schooling, genuinely & moderately authoritarian and with rational thinking should be selected. Moreover, papers should be drawn from 2-3 paper setters and then a committee constituting educationists with above mentioned qualities should decide on the final form of question paper. 

Guidelines for paper setters and line-wise evaluation criteria should be provided to evaluators with centralized paper checking with one question or part of it per evaluator. Question paper setter and evaluator should fulfill their assignment with great honesty, dedication, integrity, seriousness and moderate feelings.
Before setting a question paper, each paper setter should put himself in the shoes of the examinee and then frame the type, level and duration of the questions. Toughness level of question paper should be such that 50% of it can be attempted by even an average student, next 20% by good students and rest 30% by intelligent students. The length of questions should be strictly such that it must be solved by an intelligent student even 10-15 minutes before the total time allowed for examination. Further, strict rules should be framed for evaluation of question papers at every level and there should be counter checks for question paper setting and evaluation.

Question paper setter and evaluator should fulfill their assignment with great honesty, dedication, integrity, seriousness and moderate feelings. In any case, they should not challenge the existence of the examinee; rather they should motivate and help the examinee to express him so that students do not lose the faith in examination system in particular and education system in general. Though the seriousness of these things discussed become immaterial with respect to the population in the country going for education but still it is great challenge to our education system, its planners and pillars (teachers) to pay attention so that things do not go haywire.


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