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10th social Unit test question paper Tamil medium Geography -6- Volume - 2

Zeal study shares you 10th Social unit test question paper Tamil medium History - 2 Volume 2 .We think it is very useful to use it and share with your Friends.

Use the item types that provide the most direct measures of student performance specified by the learning outcome. . Avoid verbal associations that give away the answer. . Avoid grammatical inconsistencies that eliminate wrong answers. 
Topic- 10th social Unit test question paper Tamil medium Geography -6- Volume - 2
File type- PDF

Avoid specific determiners that make certain answers probable (e.g. sometimes) and others impossible (e.g. always). . Avoid stereotyped or textbook phrasing of correct answers. . Avoid material in an item that aids in answering another item. . Avoid trick questions that might cause a knowledgeable student to focus on the wrong aspect of the task. Ensure that the difficulty level matches the intent of the learning outcome and the age group to be tested. . Ensure that there is no disagreement concerning the answer. Typically the answer should be one that experts would agree on the correct or best answer. . Write the test items far enough in advance that they can be later reviewed and modified as needed.

Write more test items than called for by the test plan. This will enable you to discard weak or inappropriate items during the item review and make it easier to match the final set of items to the test specifications. The number of test items depends on the age of the students tested, the time available for testing, type of test items used and on the type of interpretation to be made. Experience in testing is frequently the only dependable guide for determining proper test length. . Give due consideration to the best arrangement of the test items. Where possible, all items of the same type should be grouped together. The items should be arranged in terms of increasing difficulty.


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