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10th /SSLC science pictures collection for exam revision Prepared by Mr.V.Gowthamraj , GHS, Kadukalur, Chengalpaet dt.

Zeal study shares you a huge collection f science study materials already .In this way we share this Science pictures collection for 10th Science .
We hope it is very useful to you .We convey our special thanks to Mr.V. Gowthamraj, ,Bt.Asst, GHS, Kadukalur, Chengalpet Dt. for this dedicated works for us. We think it is very useful to you for practicing and revise your exams .So use it and share with your friends too.

Topic- 10th /SSLC science pictures collection for exam revision 
File type- PDF

The interdisciplinary field of materials science, also commonly termed materials science and engineering, is the design and discovery of new materials, particularly solids. The intellectual origins of materials science stem from the Enlightenment, when researchers began to use analytical thinking from chemistry, physics, and engineering to understand ancient, phenomenological observations in metallurgy and mineralogy.

Materials science still incorporates elements of physics, chemistry, and engineering. As such, the field was long considered by academic institutions as a sub-field of these related fields. Beginning in the 1940 s, materials science began to be more widely recognized as a specific and distinct field of science and engineering, and major technical universities around the world created dedicated schools for its study.


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