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9th English lesson plan for february 3rd week Topic: Zeal study lesson plan

Zeal study team shares you the lesson plan for all classes for all subjects every week which will be helpful for the teachers to write their notes of lesson easily with the help of this model lesson plan provided.

Lesson plan is the heart of a classroom activity. It resembles the whole classroom teaching learning process ,the lesson plan act as a mirror and also a guide to teacher to plan their activities like games using of Integrating Technology tools, tools play way materials, real objects etc.this model lesson plan given here will help the teachers to write their week wise lesson plan easily without any hurdles. 

lesson plan steps includes, learning outcomes, motivation, concept understanding process, teaching aids, Ict tools , reinforcement,evaluation, remedial teaching, writing and follow up work. using of diksha app, using qr code, e contents and you tube videos appropriately .
Topic: 9th English lesson plan for february 3rd week
File type: pdf
9th English lp pdf

Thus a teacher should be very clear in writing these lesson plan and time management is one of the important thing in the classroom transactions as well as the learning outcomes should be gradually achieved with the help of the lesson plan is the main need here. Hope it is useful


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